Australharmony Biographical Register G Ga-gly

and the plaintive song of one whose spirit had been saddened by the world’s trials. Away, then, with such singing. A lecture in reference to the above establishment was delivered by the Rev. J. Gardner, on the evening of the 10th March. Mr. George Crutchell occupied the chair. The topic chosen was, “On the cultivation of sacred music.” There had been about 60 individuals present, together with a number of girls, who all appeared a lot interested within the topic,

Isabella MELODIA

Pitt-street – Grand Entertainment. Complimentary BENEFIT to Mrs. J. GIBBS, late of the Victoria and Prince of Wales Theatres, tendered by the Baltimore Amateur Minstrels along side Mrs. W. J. Cordner, Mr. G. H. Rogers, Mr. Hodge, &c, who have kindly volunteered their valuable services upon this occasion.

“Hail to thee, Riflemen,” with a refrain for 4 voices, the music being by Mr. Henry Pounsett, and the words by Mr. Donald McLeod . A copy of a new piece of music under the above title has been handed to us. The Polka is the production of Mrs. Henry F. Price, of Kensington, and is devoted to the Commander of the Kent Rifle Company, Capt. Herford. It has been lithographed by Messrs. Penman & Galbraith, of Rundle-street, and, as a specimen of colonial lithography, it is maybe superior to something hitherto produced in the colony . We have seen a proof of the prize music to the Song of Australia,

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Germone; Ballad – “Nancy Till,” F. Harrington; Song – “The Blue-dress’d Gal,” D. Brenni; Song, “I seed her at de Winder,” F. Garmone; Medley and refrain – “I want I was in ole Virginny,” F. Harrington. Medley dance, by Miss Melville.

The music of this piece is by Reeve and Mazzinghi, and has extra of prettiness than of grandeur or depth. Both the singing and the performing have been, nonetheless, comparatively good, and the viewers appeared to be a lot pleased with the efficiency Mrs. Gibbs made her first look, within the character of Paul, to which the principal airs are alloted. She is, undoubtedly, a fantastic acquisition to the vocal strength of the colony, in addition to to the Sydney stage.

The prelude is in preserving with the character of the waltzes, and there is only one change of key, from F to C. The typography is highly creditable to the publishers. As the piece is dedicated to the ladies of New South Wales, we presume will probably be largely patronised by them.

He was before his time in that . Mr. Gardiner can give two or three comedian songs tolerably properly, but his appearing, particularly of dignified characters, is far beneath mediocrity . On Saturday last the Monarch steamer went on a pleasure trip to Birch’s Bay.

who has been organist of Trinity Church in San Francisco for six years. All the distinguished singers and musicians, both skilled and amateurs, are to take part, assisted by “Orphan’s Choral Society” of Oakland.

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For the defendant, Mr. Graves examined the plaintiff, Mr. Gard, whose proof was just like that of the two witnesses for the plaintiff. Mr. Graves once more remarked that the proof showed a guarantee by Mrs. Reeves, however not a contract. There was no legal consideration. The Commissioner read the part of the Court of Requests Act, which gave him power to do sustaatial justice;

Canberra Citynews

A terror in the land. It is with sorrow that we have to document the death of the late Mr. Joseph Galvin, who was a notable link up to now historical past of the band, he having crammed the workplace of treasurer for over 30 years; and also the late Mr. Alf. Ray, who was a taking part in member of advantage .

Mr. Coleman, and Madame Garcia, by which he engaged her because the principal dancer of the corporate, at a wage of L.10 per week, however by which no point out was made of the manufacturing of the ballet. He said her engagement began that evening, and she had already received £8 upfront; and he left the common public to judge Isabella MELODIA, having seen the woman and her performance, as to who was the sufferer. Mr. Wolfe was repeatedly cheered, and through his handle Madame Garcia again came before the footlights, but was obtained with disapprobation. Mr. Moore also came ahead and attempted to handle the audience, but the few words he mentioned had been inaudible;